Some pplz need some review about Circle Lenses! I was about to purchase my next circle lenses again but I can't decide. My normal diameter is already 14.5 and for some pplz it doesnt really change the size of my eyes...some can see it! Anyways my point is...there is 2 points ^_^ lolll..
1. Do or NOT, for Circle lenses?
2. Im undecide...wich one?
~I do like circle lenses .I like the fact that it I already need lenses! Why not to weir circle lenses if I usualy weir lenses!It's true that you can weir it more than 6 hours cuz my eyes keep tearing and hurt a bit more than usual.Well I don't really know how it works with usual lenses cuz I NEVER WEIR TRANSPARENT LENSES! lol! funny huh!? Yup! Seens long time first pair of lenses was a pair of turquoise or blue...I just can't remember! loll!
~ Now...I can't decide if I have to order another pair or not...I need to see my optometrist soon cuz I guess it's been more than 4 years that I didn't order lenses and check up my eyes. I need a new pair of glasses too! Its been 4 eva!!! loll!!! I want so much one of the the '' Tsubasa Bambi'' aka ''Princess Mimi'' series! But it's a 15.0 mm! O_O! I'm still thinking .... whut should I do?
circle lenses kinda freak me out somewhat but on the right people i guess they work? heh.
They are working...I thought it would be TOO BIG! but nope! It was one of the best circle lenses I ever wear!
I LOVE these lenses!! All of them >.< They are my top favorite lens series currently haha
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