Thursday, April 5, 2012

First day back at work ! And news about me!

Hey there! YEEYYY!!! finaly! I remove my bandage! hihih!!! I can play with my wii! hhahaha! And post some stuff on my BLOG! ^_^ ! And...Its easter !lol! Like I care! LOL! I don't like chocolate! O_o! Yeah! I really don't like chocolate so I don't really care and ... I buddhisme so Im not catolic....Im just getting paid for the day off tomorow. Yey! more time to sleep!

I dunno if its only me, or cuz its about ages  ... im getting tireee so fast! I love to sleep! I could sleep for  12 hours in a row if I can.Its such a waste of time. I want to be more active! More movement...more alerte! oh well...Im getting to old...

I didnt do much for these past 2 weeks... I was watching all the freaking drama that past by on my desk and so to my mom house. It wasnt that pretty. The sky was so depress! I can't wait until today! whut a shinny sun! WOuhhh!!!! finaly! 

Last week end I was busy! Busy to go out! LOL! I went to see Sugar Sammy! He was Hilarous and AWESOME! Its been forever that we bought the tikets !  I got a pix with him and he's autograph! He is sucha sweetheart! ^_^

The day after, I went to Cabane a sucre! Its a sort of tradition from Quebec, the end of the month of march to go there, sort of attraction, place to eat and animals: like horses ride...Here a video: For the rest, it passes so fast! I already start from yesterday. It wasnt that easy cuz I just realise that it takes more than 2 weeks to be completly recover!


Nana Cawaii said...


Just liked a lot ur blog! ^_^
Really that u dun like chocolate?!? OMG! XD I luv choco!!!

C u!

If u have twitter, follow me:

Sana said...

That's nice,I hope your hand will be ok from now one :D

I used to broke my finger when I was young and I kidda understand how annoying when you can't use your hands :(

Midori Kaiide said...

Hi nana to past by! I don't tweet sorry! I will add u on my fav group later!
Yeah! Its weird! I don' t like chocolate! I prefer candys !

Sana: yeah! I was so stress to have that! CAn un imagine that for us its for a few days only and for others its 4ever ! Sad! T_T i havr another operation for another probleme later on ... Errr...

. said...

<3 your blog & I'm a new follower ^.^


Mi_Mi said...

wo i love this post^^ I am having my first beauty giveaway..please enter^^ at:

Anonymous said...

Oh geez I hope that doesn't leave a dark scar, hopefully it will heal up well.

P.s I tagged you in the "11 questions about me" tag, you can poke Line when you see her for this tag!