Tuesday, October 12, 2010

4 days left b4 the week end again!

What a great week end...it past so fast! wouuhhh!!! hahaha! On friday nite I didnt do much seens today.I went to the grocery and bought so much of food! Even if I follow the list I think I bust my budget a bit but its OK cuz I didnt paid...my bf did hahaha! Well its for both of us so we switch time whenever if we have to paid something! Its kweel like that.

I went to LUSH at the mall and my god! I spend so much for lots of stuff! I just never take bath seens awhile cuz I tought its a lost of time but....I will take bath whenever I have to cuz Its so conforting. I just try ''the conforter bubble '' lol whut a coincident lol! (watch the video!).I bought some bomb that I didnt try yet but...sOOn!

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